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6. SERIAL RECEIVE EVENTS Configuration Web Page
Pattern matching examples can be found in the back of this manual.
Event Label Enter any 32 characters. This label is for convenience only and is used in the Event Action Table.
Receive Data
Enter 1- 16 characters and/or bit patterns to match against received serial data.
The received characters must exactly match the order and value of the entered patterns. If a received
character does not match the entered pattern, all previous matches are discarded and the match
process begins again with the first entered pattern. If more than 1 second elapses between received
characters, all previous matches are discarded and the match process begins again.
Use %yz to enter a HEX character. ‘y’ and ‘z’ are values 0 - 9, A - F, or 'X' (don’t care).
Enter %Xz to match only the z part of the HEX character. Enter %yX to match only the y part of the
HEX character. Enter %XX to ignore the received value.
Use #yyyyyyyy to match an exact bit pattern. ‘y’ values are '0', '1', or 'X' (don't care). For example,
enter #0XXX1XXX to match bit7= 0 and bit3= 1. Bit0 is on the far right. Bit7 is on the far left.
Use <yyyyyyyy to match any bit in the bit pattern. ‘y’ values are '0', '1', or 'X' (don't care). For
example, enter <0XXX1XXX to match bit7=0 or bit3= 1. Bit0 is on the far right. Bit7 is on the far left.
Use '!' to NOT match a character pattern. For example: Event Label= TEST. Receive pattern= !A.
If any character other than 'A' is received, then TEST event is ON. If 'A' is received, then TEST event
is OFF. Use !y, !%yz, or !#yyyyyyyy to specify a NOT pattern match.
NOTE- Spaces between patterns are ignored. Use %20 to match a space character.