SuperSigma2 AM PMS
V1.5.6 17-1-2020
Page 50 (97)
©2019 DMC GmbH Herten Germany
Proportional direction brake
Off /Bpro
This sets how the strength of the direction regenerative braking is controlled.
The behavior in direction braking also depends on the parameter
Torque Control
If set to
0 (Fixed)
, the braking strength is as set by the parameter
Direction Brake torque “DBrake””
regardless of Accelerator potentiometer position.
If set to
1 (Proportional)
, the braking strength depends on the Accelerator potentiometer position. At the
minimum Accelerator potentiometer position, the braking strength will be as set by the parameter
Neutral Brake torque “NBrake””
, while at the maximum Accelerator potentiometer position the braking strength
will be as set by the parameter
Direction Brake torque “DBrake””
. Between minimum and maximum,
the braking strength is a value between the neutral and direction braking settings, proportional to the
Accelerator potentiometer position.
Speed Control
If set to
0 (Fixed)
, the direction braking ramp time (i.e. deceleration rate in direction braking) is as set by the
M1-11T Direction brake ramp time
, regardless of Accelerator potentiometer position.
If set to
1 (Proportional)
, the direction braking ramp time depends on the Accelerator potentiometer position.
At the minimum Accelerator potentiometer position, the direction braking ramp time will be as set by the
Neutral brake ramp time “NBrkRamp””
, while at the maximum Accelerator potentiometer
position the braking ramp will be as set by the parameter,
M1-11T Direction brake ramp time
Between minimum and maximum, the braking strength is a value between the neutral and direction braking
settings, proportional to the Accelerator potentiometer position.
Be Aware: If Direction brake ramp time is set larger than Neutral brake ramp time the Neutral brake ramp time
will de adopted during
direction braking and the Accelerator position won’t have effect on the direction brake
ramping time.
Hill hold
This sets whether there is a hill-hold function when the vehicle is at rest. Hill hold can be activated if
is set to 0 (Speed Mode) or 2 (Torque mode with speed mode for the end of braking).
If set to
0 (Coast),
then there is no restraint function and the vehicle is free to coast when zero speed is reached
time is elapsed.
If set to
1 (Hill Hold & Restraint),
the controller at the end of braking will manage the vehicle with hill hold
function. Following neutral braking (by opening Foot switch in Ride On vehicle or selecting Neutral in Walkie
vehicle type, refer to
for more information about this) the vehicle will
enter and remain in Hill Hold mode for a period set by the parameter
. During
this period, the vehicle will remain stationary. After this time has elapsed, the vehicle will enter
in “
Restraint Hill
Hold mode
” and move at
speed set by the parameter
Restraint hill hold speed ”HHspeed””
On Ride On vehicle (
=0), if neutral braking is operated by means of
selecting neutral with direction switch but the accelerator pedal is still pressed (Foot Switch still active), the Hill
Hold mode is skipped and the Restraint hill hold is applied directly.
If the vehicle reaches level ground and the vehicle is no longer moving the controller will reduce current applied
to the motor to save battery power.
Level ground is detected when torque necessary to hold vehicle in restraint Hill hold is lower than
Restraint hill hold torque threshold ”HHTrqTH””
If the motor begins to move again, without Accelerator demand being applied, then the controller will re-enter
in Restraint Hill Hold mode until the handbrake is applied.
When the Handbrake is applied the controller stops pulsing to save battery power.
If hand brake is released again the vehicle will coast unless accelerator is pressed and one direction input is
In case Hand brake function is not active (
set to 0), the controller will keep pulsing
and will exit from Hill Hold mode only if accelerator is pressed and one direction input is active.
If Set to
2 (Hill Hold & Stop Pulsing on level ground)
, it has the same features when set 1 (Hill Hold & Restraint)
except the following:
If the vehicle reaches level ground and the vehicle is no longer moving, the controller stop pulsing and
reduce current applied to the motor to zero.
If the motor begins to move again, without Accelerator demand being applied, then the controller let
the motor coast until accelerator is applied again.