B. At this time you will see the following screen, WD101C is
appearing on the screen, the name is: wi-cool-XXXX, and there
is the right green wireless symbol)
C. Long pressing the wi-cool-XXXX, then the window will be
popped up as follows, please enter the administrator user
name and password. Username: admin password: admin.
(Then press OK to enter the APP page.)
2.1.3 The advice of Android
When you use wireless, you can connect WD101C through
WIFI directly, our SSID: wi-cool-xxx, password: 12345678
It’s able to open the browser, key in, then, you
will see the main screen, after key in user ID and pass word,
you are able to enter it (Default User ID: admin / Password:
If you are using Android tablet or cell phone, you can find our
APP [Wi-Cool] through Google Play store. It’s free to down-
load, after download to your tablet or cell phone, you can
connect with WD101C dongle through WIFI. The original
SSID is: wi-cool-XXXX. Password: 12345678.
Then, you are able to enter setting up page as follows:
You can connect and set up through your PC, Android
devices, Apple iPhone, and iPAD
2.1.2 Wireless connection through PC
A. Click and open the installed Wi-cool APP
2.1 First time to connections and setting
2. Instruction