The heart in a car stereo installation is the car ste-
reo, often called head unit. Today it´s normally a tuner
with an external CD-changer or built-in CD-player.
The well-known brands are the best choice if you
want a high quality product.
One important detail is to buy a head unit with RCA
pre-outs which makes it easier when you want to do
a more sophisticated installation than standard. The
head unit is normally installed in the dash-boards ori-
ginal fitting, just make sure it´s fastened properly. If
possible use heavier DC-feeds than the originals used
in the car. If you use the internal amplifier to feed any
speaker pair this is important. The ground wire must
have the same area as the +-feed.
If you have interference noise from the alternator or
ignition its´often the ground connection that is wrong.
Try different places for the ground connection, the
best is close to a unit (the amplifier).
An extra amplifier should be installed in a place where
it can be satisfactory cooled. Many amplifiers get very
hot and need a good cooling.
In some installations you might need one or two
external cooling fans.
First check if there are any cable mats or fuel pipes
behind the place where you plan to mount the
amplifier. Alternatively use an extra particle board or
the bass box when you mount the amplifier and you
will have a better ground insulation. To avoid
interference noise this can be to prefer.
Install the amplifier far away from your radio aerial.
Sometimes the amplifiers DC/DC-converter genera-
tes high frequency interference.
Maximum fuse values of the main fuse for different
cable sizes.
6 mm
(9 AWG) :
25 A
10 mm
(7AWG) :
40 A
16 mm
(5AWG) :
60 A
21 mm
(4AWG) :
100 A
33 mm
(2AWG) :
150 A
42 mm
(1AWG) :
200 A
To avoid damage to the amplifier or the electric sys-
tem of the car the DC-feed installation must be made
with care. A main fuse must be installed on the power
line close to the battery. This fuse protects the cable
from burning if a short circiut occours.
Use either glass fuses or automatic circuit breakers.
If the amplifiers are installed in the back of the car
it´s normal to install a separate fuse block from which
you distribute the power to the separate units. Each
unit will then be separately fuse protected.
As we have said before the cables are very important.
In the table on page 5 you find recommended areas
for the DC-feed for different amplifiers. The ground
wire must have the same area as the +-wire. Connect
the ground wire as close as possible to the amplifier.
Connect all units in the system to the same ground
point to avoid interference.
Use high quality speaker cables
with an area of at
least 1,5 mm
to the side systems and 2,5 mm
to the
subwoofers, (or more).
Signal cables must have good shielding,
they can pick up interference noise.
Avoid to place the power cables on the same side of
the car as the signal cables. Also try to avoid the
cars own cable mats to come close to the signal
Any extra cable must be laid out in zig-zag style and
definitely not coiled.
Don´t let the cables pass sharp edges that can hurt
the cable insulation causing short circuits or other
Main fuse
Fuse block
Wiring diagram with 3 amplifiers,
main fuse and a fuse block with
a fuse for each unit.
The main fuse holders use either a glass fuse of AGU-
type (max 80A), or ANL-fuses with values up to 250
Amps. There are fuse blocks for 2, 3 or 4 AGU fuses.
Automatic circuit breakers is another good alternative
as main fuse. They also have a test button with which
you easily can switch off the power to all units.
The ground wires from all units can easily be
connected together with a power block like the PB1.
For best function with lowest possible DC-resistance
in all connection points, all the above products are
gold plated with 24 K gold. Besides of a good function
it´s also gives a good impression.
In many exclusive installations, and most competition
cars, extra batteries are installed. Sometimes also
extra alternators for improved charging, or extra
capacitors of 0,5 or 1 Farad value.
The purpose of this is to make sure that the amplifiers
always gets enough current even at very high
volumes, otherwise the sound will be destroyed at
high volumes.
For a normal listener the ordinary car battery is
sufficient. Just make sure you have DC-feeds that´s
big enough. But if you plan to compete or just want to
get the most out of your equipment it´s always right
to install an extra battery or extra capacitors that
works as a current reservoir.
These extra batterys are of a special type with low
internal resistance that can handle large current flows.