FloTech Programmable CheckMate Retain / Overfill Monitor
FT208 CheckMate 10466 REV N 15
Look up symptoms below and follow step by step instructions.
The PWR LED is not lit.
Measure the voltage on TB1. The input voltage must be between 11and 24 VDC.
If the voltage is zero or low, work your way up the wiring to the trailer nose plug. Check the inline fuse
holder for bad connections and for a blown fuse. Check the wiring and trailer nose plug connections.
Fuse housings my have corrosion that causes the voltage to read low.
If the input voltage to TB1 is correct then replace the monitor.
use a battery charger to power the trailer. A battery charger does not output a pure DC
voltage and will damage the onboard monitor.
System powers up and runs through power on test sequence OK, then flashes
all sensor LEDs in an alternating pattern:
This means that the monitor is not programmed.
Go to the PROGRAMMING section of this manual and program the monitor.
If the monitor fails to program, call FloTech for warranty status and an RGA number.