Operating instructions
cod. 1592001300
1592001300 XC440C gb r1.0 07.06.2004.doc
rel. 1.0
13 / 28
12. List of parameters
12.1 Plant dimensioning and type of regulation.
oA1, oA2, oA3, oA4 Outputs 1- 4 configuration: by means of these parameters the plant can
be dimensioned according to the number and type of compressors or fans and the
number of steps for each one.
Each relay according to the configuration of the oA(i) parameter can work as:
Compressor: oAi = cPr,
Step: oAi = StP
Fan: oAi = FAn
Alarm: oAi = ALr
Not used: oAi = nu
NOTE: also the “Lin” value is present. This value must not be used..
According to the oA1÷oA4 configuration, 2 kinds of plant can be defined:
Rack with compressors only: all the oAi different from FAn
Rack with fans only: all the oAi different from CPr of StP
WARNING: It’s not allowed to configure a plant with both compressors and fans.
With step compressors the output of compressor has to be set before the output of the
ES. Compressor with 3 steps: oA1 = cPr, oA2= StP, oA2 = StP.
If an oAi set as step without any previous oAi set as cPr the configuration alarm
“CStP” will be activated.
If compressor with different capacities are used (CtyP=dPo), all the oAi must to be
configured as cPr (compressor) otherwise the configuration alarm “CStP” will be
If the controller is used for fans, all the oAi must be set as FAn or “nu” not used
CtyP: Compressor type: it selects if the compressors have the same power (homogeneous) or
dPo = compressor with different capacities: in this case the regulation is neutral zone.
StP = homogeneous: the regulation can be neutral zone or proportional band.
Scr = don’t set it
StP: valve outputs polarity: polarity of the outputs for capacity valves. It determines the state
of the relays associated with the capacity valves (only for homogeneous and stepped-
capacity compressors):
oP=valve enabled with open contact;
cL= valve enabled with closed contact.
PC1 ..PC4 Power of compressor 1...4: for setting the power of single compressors. Available
only if CtyP=dPo. The power is identified by a value (range 1÷255) proportional to the
capacity of single compressor.