Geo-Fence is a system whereby the user can set a defined region, where if the device
exceeds this region, a special SMS/Web Tracking System alert will be sent. This MUST be
programmed by a qualified TracUSA representative. Contact your TracUSA representative if
you desire this function added to your Model TL201.
16. Low battery alert
Send SMS “
123456 N 0/N1),xx
” to set the low-battery alert.
Note: N must be English in capital, N0 m
eans turn off the low-battery alert function; N1 means
turn on the low-battery alert function. xx should be <45 and must be 2 numbers.
E.g. send“
” to the tracker means when the battery is lower then 30%,it will send a
to the authorized number. Send“
” to the tracker means turn off the low
battery alert function.
17. Set the local time
Send SMS “
123456L,time zone
” to set the local time
ote: L must be English in capital, + i
n the time zone means east,- in the time zone means
west. Time zone must be 2 numbers. So Central US time zone should be like this: -05
E.g. send “
” to set the time to the Central Time. This time settings are based from
Greenwich Mean Time, being +00. Below is standard(non daylight savings time) US time one
Eastern US -04
Central US -05
Western US -06
Pacific US -07
These settings will be pre set by your TracUSA representative before delivery of unit.
18. Modify the password
Send SMS “
” to change the password.
Note: ****** is the New password. H must be English in capital, send it to tracker to modify the
password. (Default password: 123456)
E.g. send
means change the password 123456 to 456789
The password won’t be erased by changing SIM card.
Be sure keep the password in mind, otherwise you have to update the software to restore the
original setting in case of losing the password. Call TracUSA customer service is you forget the
password and need software update.
The password must be 6 numbers- the tracker will not recognize fewer numbered password.
19. GPRS setting
In order to use GPRS( internet connection to web based Tracking software-TracUSA will
provide address and login information at new user account set up.) function, the user needs to
set IP, Port and APN (access point name) by sending SMS commands. Make sure that your
SIM card that in the tracker supports the GPRS function. TracUSA will program these settings