When this mode is enabled and the sequencer is running (and not displaying SONG/SEQUENCE
SELECT), You can use the note keys to temporarily transpose your entire sequence up or down.
Hold down the PROG/RESET button, then tap the LOOP/LIVE XPOSE button to cycle through the
different LIVE TRANSPOSE modes:
On, root key at top of keyboard
On, root key in center of keyboard
On, root key at bottom of keyboard
The LOOP LED will flash twice for each ON mode, along with the selected root key. The LOOP
LED will flicker dimly when LIVE TRANSPOSE mode has been turned off.
While running in this mode, instead of the usual current-note display, the NOTE and OCTAVE
LEDs will display the status of your transposing:
Steady NOTE LED = root key
Blinking NOTE LED = currently selected transpose amount
Dim/flickering NOTE LED = all the notes in between
If you press the root key (indicated by a steady NOTE LED), the transpose amount will be set to
0 and your sequence will play just as it’s programmed.
If you press a NOTE key above the root key, then the CV OUT will be transposed up by however
many steps the key you pressed is above the root key. For example, if the root key is the F in
the middle of the keyboard and you press the G key, then your sequence will be temporarily
transposed up 1 step (2 semitones). The LED corresponding to the key you selected will blink to
let you know at a glance how much you are transposing and in which direction. All the LEDs in
between the root key and your selected key will flicker dimly.
If you press a NOTE key that is below the root key, then the CV OUT will be transposed down by
however many steps the key you pressed is below the root key.
If you want to transpose farther than what is currently displayed on the keyboard, you can use
the OCTAVE UP and OCTAVE DOWN buttons to shift the keyboard octave. Select the octave you
want, then press the key for the amount you want to transpose. You can also instantly jump to
a transpose key in another octave (one up or one down) by holding one of the OCTAVE buttons
and pressing the desired key.
Note: You can’t transpose past the range of the CV output. For example, if you have a note in
your sequence that is the lowest C, then you try to transpose down from there, the output isn’t
going to get any lower. For maximum transposeability we recommend programming your
sequences in the middle octaves.