Factory settings
This acknowledge pop-up allows you to
erase all the custom parameters. If it is
confirmed, all services lists and user pref
erences are deleted and the TV restarts
as for a “First Time installation”:
Screen 20 : Factory settings
Screen 21 : Signal information
Screen 17 :
Full scan channel installation
Screen 19 :
System Parameter
System Parameter
The screen allow you to check system information, factory setting.
Screen 18 :
User Settings
Signal Information
This screen allows you to adjust your ter
restrial antenna. Two signal bargraphs are
proposed. The first indicates the power of
the signal, the second indicates the qual
ity of the signal measured by the Bit Error
You can check the quality of different
channels by selecting new one with the
buttons of the “Channel
number” item.
The corresponding frequency is displayed
in MHertz.
User Setting
The screen allow you to select the Menu Language, Audio Language, Subtitle Language, Sub
title ON/OFF, Opacity Level.
P1500LTD IB(ENG) 0211-12167-20.indd 20-21
2008/1/24 下午 04:00:05