• Setup the QAM output channels by going to the
Main > Output > QAM tab
• Select the channel for the 1st QAM. The next 3 will be
automatically assigned.
• Ensure all outputs are on and CW mode is not enabled.
• Click “SAVE” to apply changes.
• If not already, allow several minutes for the receivers to be
discovered and assigned IP addresses
• From the
Main > Input Config Tab
of the Web Pages, assign
RX#1 to Input #1, RX#2 to Input #2, etc.
• Click “SAVE” to apply changes.
To download instruction manual visit www.BlonderTongue.com | 800-523-6049
• Go to the Main > Output > TS Config Tab
• Verify the Multiplexed MPTS Output default settings are suitable
for your application
- TS bitrate = QAM Modulator
-Modulation Mode = QAM 256
-Out of band = disabled
• Verify the Output Mapping Section.
- Input for each TS must be different.
- Every PID and Program Number must be different.
- Short Name should be a descriptive name of the
program, as it will be shown on the television
(max 7 alphanumeric characters)
-Major and Minor Channel numbers are what the
TV will display as the channel.
• Click “SAVE” to apply changes.