Installation and Activation
7. The Install Shield provides the customer with options to select
a Complete or Custom setup type. The Complete option
should always be chosen.
8. When trying to launch the GenieGO application, if you cancel
or did not complete the .NET Framework installation, you will
be prompted again to download the .NET Framework.
9. The GenieGO installation wizard continues (or begins if the
computer is a Mac or .NET framework is already installed).
10. Once the installation is complete, you can move on to the
Activation process.
Step 4: Activation
Once the application has been downloaded, activating the
GenieGO is the next step. The activation process activates the
GenieGO and PC, Mac or mobile client. A GenieGO device
cannot be activated without a PC or Mac.
Sign in
1. The sign-in screen uses the same customer’s login
information when they set up their account on DIRECTV.
com. The customer should enter their DIRECTV e-mail and
password and click
Sign in
2. The customer is then prompted to name their device. Click
add Device
when complete.
3. The GenieGO then proceeds through the activation
4. The client initiates a search for a GenieGO unit on the
network. Before the application activation proceeds, a
GenieGO unit must be discovered on the same network as
the client.
5. Once the GenieGO application is activated, the GenieGO
begins loading content.
The system will automatically create a (default) location to
save the video; however, the customer can click the
button from the Tools icon to choose another location to save
programming content on their computer.
6. Once a storage location has been selected, from the
Configuration screen click
Get Started