403.SUBARU1 1.38 2010 Subaru Forester
©2022 VOXX•DEI LLC. All rights reserved.
Pre-installation and application warnings
This section highlights important information for this specific firmware and will assist in pricing accordingly, as
well as bringing awareness to any operational or vehicle limitations.
Compatibilities and Requirements
T-Harness is not compatible.
Keys required for
Keys required
for operation
Vehicle Takeover
Refer to the
Quick Reference Guide
section for more details.
Firmware notes
Brake Status types:
Depending on the origin of the vehicle, it could have one of two Brake Status types with the default setting as
Type 1. If the brake does not shut the vehicle down under a remote start condition, program the Brake Status as Type 2. This can be
done when flashing the module found under Data Feature Configuration when flashing the firmware.
Mandatory to control the immobilizer override in this firmware.
Unless specified otherwise, all connectors are displayed from the wire side, with the exception of the OBDII diagnostic connector.
Refer to the "Vehicle connections" following the installation diagram.
[1] Hood pin:
The installation of an aftermarket hood pin is only required on vehicles that are not equipped with a factory hood pin, or if
not supported in data.
[2] Tach wire:
An optional connection required on some remote starters, which do not support a tach signal in D2D.
[3] Keysense Input:
Connection is only needed if keysense is not recognized through data at the time of programming. See LED
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting section for more details.