© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc
The ability to access the feature settings
of your amplifier is only possible with
the use of a Directed Electronics
unit. Firmware version 1.8 or
later is required in the Bitwriter
Versions prior to 1.8 will not program
the amplifier.
1. TTuurrnn--oonn ddeellaayy -- 0.75, 1.00, 1.25,
1.75, 2.25, 2.75, or 3.25 seconds
is selectable. 22..7755 seconds is the
factory default setting.
2. AAnnttii--tthheefftt -- On/Off/Reset Anti-Theft
Trigger. Selecting ON places the unit
in the alarm monitoring (amplifier
disable on loss of 12V) condition.
Off disables alarm monitoring.
Reset Anti-Theft Trigger allows the
amplifier to be unlocked from the
loss of 12V. OOffff is the factory
default setting.
To unlock the amplifier, use the
following procedure:
AA.. Plug the Bitwriter
into one of
the ESP ports and turn the
BB.. Select AAnnttii--TThheefftt from the menu.
ii.. Select AAnnttii--TThheefftt RReesseett from
the submenu.
iiii.. Press W
Wrriittee twice.
CC.. Select AAnnttii--TThheefftt from the menu
ii.. Select OOffff from the submenu.
iiii.. Press W
Wrriittee twice.
Wrriittiinngg SSuucccceessssffuull” message
will appear on the Bitwriter
display if the procedure was
3. VVaalleett m
moonniittoorriinngg -- Enable/Disabled
DDiissaabblleedd is the factory default
setting. The amplifier will not power
up if the alarm system is in Valet.
4. IInnppuutt ggaaiinn aaddjjuussttm
meenntt -- UUnnlloocckk is
the factory default setting.
Lock/Unlock, in the lock position
the gain adjustment located on the
top panel is software locked at the
input gain range that is selected.
5. IInnppuutt ggaaiinn rraannggee -- 0.25–0.50,
0.50–1.25, 1.25–3.00, or
3.00–6.00 V, and 00..2200–
(factory default). This limits the
gain adjustment to the specified
6. FFaann CCoonnttrrooll -- On/Auto/Off
This controls an external fan
connected to the fan port.
Содержание 1200T
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