© 2002 Directed Electronics, Inc
1. IInnppuutt//OOuuttppuutt SSiiggnnaall - Connect
these RCA jacks as described in the
Front Panel Connection/Controls
section of this guide.
2. RReem
moottee SSuubb LLeevveell CCoonnttrrooll - Connect
the Remote Sub Level control to the
1100d5 only. The 1100d5 control
panel subwoofer adjustments are
used first to set the overall gain for
all synced amplifiers, then the
Remote Sub Level control can
adjust the gain of all synced ampli-
fiers by adjusting its control knob.
3. SSiiggnnaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn - Connect an RCA
cable between the BRIDGE OUT
jack of the 1100d5 and the SLAVE
IN jack of the slaved 600d as
shown in Figure 6.
4. SSllaavvee//M
Maasstteerr SSw
wiittcchh - Set the
slave/master switch of the 600d to
the slave position. This will put the
I/O RCA jack in the SLAVE IN mode
so it will accept the audio signal
from the 1100d5’s sync out RCA
There is only one master when syncing amplifiers.
5. SSuubbw
wooooffeerr SSppeeaakkeerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn - In
this amplifier combination the
Subwoofer output terminals of both
amplifiers drive a common
subwoofer load. Use the speaker
connection diagram in Figure 6
when connecting the subwoofers to
the amplifiers. Connect the ampli-
fiers speaker terminals to any
combination of one or more
subwoofers that results in a
nominal impedance between 2 and
4 ohms. DO NOT connect loads of
less than 2 ohms when connecting
to amplifiers in the External Synced
Bridged combination.
WAARRNNIINNGG:: Two wires of 12AWG minimum must be
connected between the negative sub out termi-
nals of the master and slave amplifiers.
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