UC2000-VE/F/G GSM/CDMA/WCDMA VoIP Gateway User Manual
Shenzhen Dinstar Co., Ltd.
To enable syslog capture
Select Syslog special only on Network Capture page
Click “Start’ to enable syslog capture
Dialing out through gateway, start talking a short while then hangup the call.
Click ‘Stop’ to disable syslog capture
Save the capture to local computer
The capture is named to ‘capture(x).pcap’, x is serial number of capture and will be added
1 in next time. The sample of syslog capture as below:
Getting start to RTP capture
PCM capture is help to analysis voice stream between gateway and remote IPPBX/SIP
To enable RTP capture:
Select RTP special on Network Capture page
Click Start to enable RTP capture