The electrical installation must be carried out by a competent
electrician, and be in strict accordance with the current I.E.E.
regulations for Electrical Equipment in Buildings.
The heater may be used free standing in either the upright or
lay-flat position as shown. The heater incorporates a
permanently fixed wall mounting bracket for use when the
heater is installed as a fixed appliance, and which acts as a
stand when in either position.
Reference should be made to the section “Heater Dimensions
and Minimum Operating Distances” before use
The heater may be fixed to the wall or floor using the fixing
holes provided in the mounting frame. Please refer to the
Section “Heater Dimensions and Minimum Operating Distances”
before fixing the heater in position
Fixing to the Wall
WARNING - The heater must NOT be located immediately
below a fixed socket outlet
The heater must be fixed only in the upright position with the
control panel at the bottom. The position of the two upper fixing
points should first be marked on the wall, at a horizontal
distance of 100mm apart, Diagram A. Place the heater in
position with the upper wall bracket notches against these fixing
points to check that the heater complies with the “minimum
operating distances”. These two fixing points should then be
drilled and plugged. Suitable round headed size 8 screws
should be fixed in these positions to such a depth that the
heater may be hung in position while the positions of the lower
fixing holes are marked, Diagram B. The heater should then be
removed while the lower fixing holes are drilled and plugged.
Then the heater should be hung in position on the upper two
screws while the lower two screws are tightened to hold the
heater firmly on the wall. The tightness of the upper screws
should be adjusted if necessary to ensure a firm fit.
Fixing to the Floor
The heater may be fixed to the floor in the lay-flat position.
Before fixing the heater in position place it in the desired
position and check that it complies with the requirements
described in the section “Heater Dimensions and Minimum
Operating Distances”.
For guidance on fixing the heater see the section on ‘Fixing to
the Wall”. The principles involved are the same.