6. Experts menu
Depressing the right touch key and keeping it depressed for 10 seconds after
accessing the “settings” submenu (see page 11) from the main menu, enables to
call the experts menu.
This menu enables to make control settings that may only be perfor-
med by a qualified heating specialist or an expert electrician. The settings made
while operating in this mode cannot be reset via the reset function and have to
be made knowingly, therefore. Clear proof that such settings have been made by
one person only is thus ensured.
The following settings are available:
1. Selection of controller configuragtion variants
The following controller configuration variants can be selected: “Room tempera-
ture controller”, “Room temperature controller with floor temperature controller
function” or “Floor temperature controller”.
2. Language
The operator can select between the following languages: Czech, Dutch, English,
French, German Polish and Russian.
3. Measuring correction
The measured temperature value can, in dependence on the related configura-
tion, be adjusted with regard to each individual sensor within a range from -5 K to
+5 K at 0.1K steps. At the same time, the uncorrected value measured by the rela-
ted sensor is being indicated on the display (factory setting 0.0).
4. Maximum temperature
(setting possible only when using the device as room
temperature controller with floor temperature controller function or as floor tem-
perature controller)