you can pan your 3D object on the screen. The scroll wheel controls the depth (zoom)
of the 3D object. By rotating the wheel forward the object on the screen moves further
one way and vice versa. Please refer to the section
Advanced Settings
for information
on setting up the function keys.
For specific information on using Inspector in your favorite application please refer to
the section
or visit the Dimentor web site at
The add-in is the link between Inspector and your 3D application. Therefore you have
to install the add-in for Inspector to work in the application.
SolidWorks Add-in
Inspector provides the possibility of working with SolidWorks in an intuitive manner.
All the functionality described in the section
Using Inspector
is available plus some
extra functionality specifically designed for SolidWorks.
Ctrl Rotation
By default the rotation center is set to the models mass center. You can change the
rotation center temporarily to a point, line/edge/axes or a surface/plane by selecting
the desired rotation center and holding down the Ctrl-key while rotating the model.
When using a point as the temporary rotation center rotations around all local axes
(x,y,z) can be performed. Using the Ctrl-key while having selected a line, edge or
axes will lock all rotations to this exact axis. Likewise, if you activate the Ctrl-key
combined with a selection of a surface or plane, all rotations will be performed around
the normal to the plane.
Pan Button
You can programme either of the side buttons to handle panning of the model. The
programming of buttons is done in the 3Driver configuration panel. Please refer to the
Advanced Settings
under Configuring Inspector with 3Driver for help.
Zoom Button
You can programme either of the side buttons to handle zooming of the model. The
programming of buttons is done in the 3Driver configuration panel. Please refer to the
Advanced Settings
under Configuring Inspector with 3Driver for help.
Special Notes for SolidWorks
To ease orientation, Inspector’s built-in orientation tools are disabled while using the
standard orientation tools (Rotation, Pan and Zoom) in SolidWorks.
If the model is not moving while rotating the 3D orientation ball, make sure that the
add-in is installed and activated. To activate the add-in in SolidWorks, open the Tools
menu and select Add-Ins. Locate and verify that the Inspector add-in is selected. If the
Inspector add-in is missing, please install the SolidWorks add-in from the CD.