Dimension One Spas - Aquatic Fitness System - Owner’s Manual
Using the Spa Side of the “Dual Temp” Model
The functions described in this section refer only to the AquaFit 19DT, which features the separate
built-in spa.
The “spa side” is separate from the “pool side.” The water in the spa circulates through its own closed
system. It contains a separate filter and heating system, and the water chemistry must be managed
separately using the guidelines in the separate Water Care Guide.
Operation of the Spa
Display Window
The display window shows the current status of the spa. By
default it shows the temperature.
JETS Button
When you push the JETS
button :
The jet pump activates.
The jet indicator light glows.
A swirl icon appears in the upper left corner of the display
window. Its swirl speed indicates the pump’s speed.
Pushing the JETS
button once starts the pump on low speed.
Pushing it a second time turns on high speed. Pushing it a third
time turns the pump off.
A built-in timer will automatically shut the pump off after 30
minutes. You can reprogram this shut-off time. See the
Programming section (pg. 15).
After the pump turns on, the pump speed appears, a status bar
appears indicating the time remaining until shut-off. If your spa
has multiple jet pumps, the shut-off cycle controls all of them.
Pushing a JETS button will disable any concurrent filter cycle.
Flashing jets, lights or heat indicator lights denotes a problem with
your spa. See the Troubleshooting Section for more details (pg.