Thumb Throttle Install
Start by putting the brake lever
back on and tightening it in place.
Next, slide the thumb throttle onto
your handlebars, usually the right
side, however it is up to personal
preference which side the throttle
goes. Move the throttle to the inside
of the handlebars and tighten it
in place so it butts up against the
Once you have the throttle secured,
make sure the cable is not fouling the
brake lever, otherwise readjust.
Before sliding the grip handle onto
the handlebars, make sure you insert
the small plastic bush (you can see
this in the third photo on this page).
This prevents the grip from rubbing
against the throttle.
At this point your handlebar
installation is completed and
you should have everything in a
comfortable position.
For users in states or territories
that require no hand throttle to
be used, (pedal assist only), you
can pass this step and leave the
throttle absent. Please move onto
the RPAS installation process.