1. If you are not sure what OS you are using, please contact your PC dealer.
2. Please don’t put this USB HDD in a humid or high-temperature environment.
3. If your first installation is failed, please firstly remove the wrong device throngs the
path as below: path=Control Panel > System > System Properties > Device Manager >
Please remove the items with “?” or “!” mark.
Hereby ASSMANN Electronic GmbH, declares that this device is in compliance with the
requirements of Directive 2014/30/EU (EMC), Directive 2014/35/EU (LVD) and the Directive
2011/65/EU for RoHS compliance. The complete declaration of conformity can be requested by post
under the below mentioned manufacturer address.
This device is a class B product. This equipment may cause some radio interference in living
environment. In this case, the user can be requested to undertake appropriate measures to prevent
ASSMANN Electronic GmbH
Auf dem Schüffel 3
58513 Lüdenscheid