How Digitone’s Call Blocker Operates
When calls come in,
all calls displaying a phone number will ring through
to the phones
throughout your home/office like normal and to the TEL phone port on the back of the Call Blocker. Calls
Anonymous, Out Of Area, Private and Unknown
no phone number
will be answered by
the Call Blocker and hung-up on unless program Code 72 is enabled to allow these call types to ring in.
If you are running a business and want to hear from Anonymous, Out Of Area, Private and Unknown
callers, you can enable
Business Mode Code 31
to allow all callers to ring through except those
numbers you want to block.
Blocked callers
will be immediately answered and after one ring get hung-
up on. The blocked caller only hears one ring in their phone and then silence. If you miss your Invited
caller, your combo phone-answer machine attached to the TEL phone port or phone company voice mail
will take a message for you. If your caller hangs-up during any part of the call, so will Call Blocker to
await another call.
VIP callers
can ring through at any time regardless of After Hours Mode or Invited
caller settings. Invited callers can only ring through normally when After Hours Mode is not enabled.
Types of Incoming Calls
ALL calls with numbers ring through. All calls without numbers are
answered and hungup on.
Blocked caller
hears only one ring and then silence. The Call Blocker
will allow all phones connected to the line to ring as well, then after seven rings the Call Blocker will
hang-up the call, assuming the answer machine doesn’t answer the call first.
Invited Callers - 30 numbers or area codes
The factory setting is:
Global Invite
of any call with
a standard number displayed. Invited callers cannot ring through during the After Hours Mode. If you
want specific callers to ring through at that time they must be added to the VIP list. Invited Caller List
Limits include either unlimited numbers with Code 96 # * (factory setting) or added individually.
VIP Callers - 30 numbers
These callers will be allowed to ring through at all times and are stored in a
separate VIP list from the Invited callers. VIP callers can ring through even when the After Hours Mode
is used to route calls away from the phone in the TEL phone port. This caller list should be used for your
immediate family or associates who will need full access to you and your phone or for emergencies.
Blocked Callers -
80 numbers or area codes
Callers on your Blocked list cannot ring your phone in
the TEL phone port and cannot leave a message. Blocked numbers are numbers that you add and will be
answered immediately, followed by a hang-up after 8 seconds. The Red light will flash quickly when a call
is being blocked and a busy signal will be heard in the handset of the phone in the TEL phone port.
Invited Callers within a Blocked Area Code - 10 numbers
Up to 10 separate numbers within an
area code can be allowed to ring through when the entire area code is already blocked. Example: phone
number 800-555-1212 is invited to ring through but the rest of the area code 800 is blocked.
OPX Type Calls -
OPX calls display as: Anonymous, Out of Area, Private and Unknown or “X” calls that
do not have a minimum 7 digit number displayed, or have characters in the number like # or *, or have
been “Spoofed” to look like a real number. The factory setting is to hang-up on these type of calls.
First Ring Suppression
– Caller ID Pass Thru Mode (Code 70)
When a call comes in, the phone company’s Caller ID information will display on all phones
to the telephone line
but the
Call Blocker will suppress the first ring to the TEL phone port
prevent it from ringing and receiving Caller ID. If the caller is an Invited caller then the Caller ID
information will display on the next ring to the phones connected to the TEL phone port thereafter. This
stops unwanted Caller ID information from being received by the phones connected to the Call Blocker’s
TEL phone port. If you want to hear the first ring, enter programming: press and hold the
for 3 seconds until you see “Program Mode”, then “Pick Up Phone”, when the prompt for “Enter
Code” displays enter code
. This code will allow all rings and all Caller ID information to be received
by phones connected to the TEL phone port. To return to the (default) First Ring Suppression mode,
enter programming: when the prompt for “Enter Code” displays enter code
, display shows function.