Room 1004, Building 2, Phoenix Building, 2008 ShenNan Ave., Futian District,Shenzhen ,China
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5.2.8. Digit
Fig 5.2.8
Digit Map
Digit map is a set of rules to determine when the user has finished entering
digits. With digit map, users don’t have to press "call" key after dialing. Fig
5.2.8 gives an example of digit map.
X represents any number between 0 and 9.
13xxxxxxxxx: Any 11 digits number starting with 13.
013xxxxxxxxx: Any 12 digits number starting with 013.
02[0-57-9] xxxxxxxx:
Any 11 digits number starting with 02, the third number
could be any digit between 0 and 5 and between 7 and 9.
03[02-689] xxxxxxxx: Any 11 digits number starting with 03, the third number is
0, between 2 and 6, 8, 9.
represents the time to wait after the user dialed the last digit and its value is
defined in
Digit Maps Timeout
The minimum value is 3; maximum
value is 60, with the unit of second.