A chord has two parts: the chord root and the chord type. An example of this would be an “A
Major 7th” chord which has “A” as its root and “Major 7th” as its type. Chord harmony pro-
grams can interpret the following chords:
You’ve selected a preset which uses the Notes harmony control mode when the word “Notes”
appears after the preset number. There is no interpretation of chords as in Chord programs. You
play the exact harmony notes or chords you want to hear on a MIDI keyboard or sequencer.
Notes mode is the most flexible harmony control mode because you control the harmony notes
directly. This allows you to create counter-melodies and interesting chords in live performance or
recorded and edited using a MIDI sequencer.
The pitch bender and modulation controls on your keyboard are active in Notes mode and can be
used to add realism such as scooping and varying vibrato intensity.
Double programs do not produce harmony and do not require any user input for key/scale,
chords or notes. Doubling just produces thick and fat vocal sounds. The effect is produced by
making exact copies of your voice which are slightly detuned from the original. On Double pro-
grams you can add up to four copies of your voice, making for thick and full doubled vocal
A single voice assigned to doubling can also be selected in Chord and Scale programs. This is
done by turning on the Double voicing button when making a voicing selection. This helps to
thicken the overall harmony sound.
Major 7
minor 7
diminished 7
major 6
augmented 7
minor 7 flat 5
suspended 7
minor-Maj 7
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