Aqua Media 2 PC Quick Start Guide
To connect a remote power switch for the AquaMedia PC, at another location in the boat, simply remove the
white wire from the red wire
and connect the white wire to the ship’s supply (+12v or +24v) via a SPST toggle
switch as shown below.
Once all devices are correctly connected to the AquaMedia PC ensure the 12v or 24v power is connected i.e. the
circuit breaker is ON (if fitted) and then turn on the remote toggle switch and the AquaMedia PC will power up. As
you turn on the remote switch, the Power and Hard Disk LEDs on the front face of the AquaMedia PC should
come on as the PC starts it’s power up sequence.
– when using the remote switch configuration, there is a 5 second delay between pressing the switch and
the power up or power down sequence initiating.
Installation is now complete.
SPST Toggle