OFF / ON Select to enable or disable the camera’s motion detection. If ON is selected:
Use his submenu to adjust he mo ion detec ion’s sensitivity, detec ion dwell ime, Motion Es imate, and setup
a Signal Output Ac ion:
- Sensitivity: The smaller the movement you want to detect, he higher the sensitivity value must be.
- Object Keep LV: Set he dwell ime for how long mo ion is detected.
- Motion Estimate: Predicts possible direction once motion is disappeared by wall or curtain. The lower the
number, he more sensi ive he camera will be to new mo ion once detected.
- Signal Out: If Alarm is enabled, when motion is detected, he camera can support 3 3V power output to
an external signal.
The camera can detect the movement and display an alarm on the screen when movement is detected.
- Window Tone: Set the size of the zone’s borders.
- Window Zone: The camera supports up to 4 different motion detection zones.
- Window Use: Select which one of the motion areas to enable.
- DET H-POS: Move the Zone left or right. The higher the number, the zone will move to the right.
- DET V-POS: Move the Zone up or down. The higher the number, the zone will move down.
- DET H-Size: Adjust the zone‘s size horizontally. The higher the number, the right side panel
will move further to the right.
- DET V-Size: Reset the zone’s size vertically. The higher the number, the bottom side panel
will move further down.