Explanation of the 4-Stage Timer
The diagram below is to help understand how the 4-Stage Timer works when controlling a throttle stop. The Stage 1
time starts counting when the Transbrake releases and is how long after the vehicle leaves the starting line until the throttle
stop turns on. The Stage 2 time is then started and controls the amount of time (duration) the throttle stop will stay on. Stage 3
also starts counting from the release of the Transbrake, when the vehicle leaves the starting line. The time in Stage 3 is when
the throttle stop will turn on the second time during the run. Stage 4 is the amount of time (or duration) the throttle stays on the
second time.
Possible 8.90 S/C pass
Timer 1
= 1.000
Timer 2
= 2.000
Timer 3
= 08.00
Timer 4
= 00.50
NOTE: The 4-Stage Timer can also be used to control other timed devices, nitrous, or timing retards.
Setting Stage 1 and 2 Times
To set a new stage time in Stage 1 or Stage 2, first press the 5 key to display the current Stage 1 and Stage 2 times.
Then press the 2ND key to move the selection arrows to the desired side of screen you what to change. Next press the CLEAR
key and the selected side of the display will go blank indicating the unit is ready to accept the new time. Now enter a new time
using the numerical keys. If a mistake is made while entering the number, pressing the UNDO key will erase the last digit
entered. This can be repeated as many times as necessary until the display is blank. Pressing the UNDO key while the screen
is blank will restore the original number. Once the new number has been entered press the ENTER key to store the new value
in memory.
Setting Stage 3 and 4 Times
To set a new stage time for Stage 3 or Stage 4, first press the 6 key to display the current Stage 3 and
Stage 4 times. Then follow the same procedure for entering a new number as instructed in setting new Stage
1 or 2 times.
Setting Throttle Mode
Above each stage time is the Throttle Mode, either ON or OFF for that stage. An ON for any stage means that the
Elite 95 will send out 12 Volts for that stage. While an OFF for any stage means no voltage will be sent out for that stage. To
change whether the output on the terminal strip will put out 12 volts or remove 12 volts to close the throttle stop, press the 5
key to display the Stage 1 and Stage 2 times. Next,
press and
hold the zero key for four seconds
to change the Throttle
Mode. Most air throttles need to be set to OFF/ON while most electric throttles need to be set to ON/OFF.