8. Test each valve via the controller: Press
once, then press or and
select the valve number. Press
again to start a manual run. A click will
be heard, indicating that the valve is open (On the display,
will appear
on the lower right,
will appear on upper left, and the valve running will
appear with an underscore under the valve number blinking).
9. Turn the actuator flow control knob counter clockwise to allow flow and
check the system to make sure that it is working properly (Figure O).
10. Press the
again to deactivate the solenoid through the controller’s manual
button. A faint click will be heard and the valve will close. (The
will disappear and water flow will stop).
If flow continues, turn the flow knob clockwise, one full turn at a time until
flow is stopped, and the valve is shut off.
NOTE: Turn the flow control knob clockwise to decrease flow,
counterclockwise to increase flow. For low-flow drip systems below
60 gallons per hour, the flow control knob should be turned no more than
1 to 3 turns counter-clockwise from the fully closed position.
Figure N
Figure O