User Manual v2.0 September 2007
Diamond Systems Corporation
4. Hardware Configuration
Quick List of Configuration Options
Base address options: 220, 230, 240, 250 Hex; Selected via plug and play configuration
Interrupt levels:
5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15; Selected via plug and play configuration
DMA levels:
0, 1, 3; Selected via plug and play configuration
Volume control:
A. Full volume, volume controlled in software only.
B. External stereo potentiometer control plus software control.
Volume control method is selected via jumper setting
Stereo jacks:
Output jack can be either stereo speaker output or stereo line out;
Input jack can be either stereo line in or mono microphone in
Address / Interrupt / DMA Configuration
The board’s base address, interrupt level, and DMA level are set at driver installation time. Jumper block
J9 is used to select which plug and play options are available. The diagram on page 8 explains all the
valid jumper settings. For normal installation, select IRQ E = 11, IRQ F = 12, and Internal ROM.
Speaker Configuration
The audio amplifier volume is always controllable in software via the volume control application included,
as well as other SoundBlaster Pro compatible volume control software. It can be additionally controlled
with an external stereo 100K
potentiometer, if desired. J10 selects this option. See page 8 for
configuration instructions.
Stereo Jack Configuration
Crystal-MM-HP provides two 3.5mm stereo jacks for convenience. Many PC speakers and microphones
use standard 3.5mm diameter stereo jacks for connection. The signals appearing on these jacks are
controlled by configuration header J11 located immediately to the left of these jacks near the bottom of
the board. Refer to the drawing on page 9 for valid jumper settings.
J5 (upper jack) is the output jack and can be configured for either Speaker Out or Line Out. Both settings
are stereo, with the following conventions: Tip = Left, Ring = Right, and Shield = Common.
J6 (lower) is the input jack and can be configured for either Line In or Microphone In. Note that Crystal-
MM-HP supports only a
microphone input. If a mono microphone is used, then either jumper setting
will provide the same connection. If a stereo microphone is used, then either the left or right channel can
be used, but not both. For Line In configuration, Tip = Left, Ring = Right, and Shield = Common.