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DA852X-UG02-608 Page 39 of 47
User Guide Release 2.0
DA852X E Ink Evaluation Kit
Display Controllers
Creating a Slide Show
The next part of the process will be largely specified by you. You will be storing sequences of mouse clicks to produce a
series of displays, possibly for demonstration purposes, but also for engineering development.
For the purposes of this tutorial, I’ll assume that the primary motivation is to get a demonstrator ready in short order, with
a representative series of displays or slideshow.
At this point, you can either create a set of slides with random numbers, or generate sequences for all the possible
numbers for automatic incrementing.
The first option is obviously quicker. We’ll do this first.
Clear the display by pressing the Clear button
, then press the Record Sequence button.
Click inside the appropriate segments of the digits to create 123MB, save as “123MB”. The software will add the suffix
Similarly create any other numbers you wish, possibly including the decimal point and the GB symbol.
Suppose we now have the files 123MB.txt, 456MB.txt, 1GB2.txt and 840MB.txt stored. These can now be added to the
sequence list by clicking on “Add Item” on the Sequence control. A popup file select box opens to allow you to select
these files.
Hold Control key while clicking to select multiple files, or Shift key to select a consecutive group of files. Click the “Add”
key, then “OK”. Now you can reorder, delete, or add more files before clicking “OK” or “Delete Unchecked”.
To run this sequence, click the “Loop” button next to the sequence list.
Your sequences will now cycle and repeat indefinitely until the “loop” button is unchecked. To change the speed of the
slideshow globally, press the “Parameter Control Panel” tab, and change the Slideshow Update Rate at the top centre.
This slideshow might very well be suitable, but what options are available to modify it?
The first modification is a variable sequence update rate. We can have some slides run longer than others.
Create a text file “Delay 100ms.txt” using Notepad or similar program. Enter in the file the line “-1 -2 100”, and save the
file. The “-1” number signals a special code, “-2” signals delay code , and the “100” means 100milliseconds.
If this file is included in the sequence list, the Sequence Update Rate will be changed to 100ms. Creating multiple files
with different update rates will allow variable delay times.
second method of sequence generation for this display is automatic number generation.
I’ll refer you back to page 25 at this point for the details. The crucial point is that you have to create files 0.txt through
9.txt, and the number_defs.txt file. For this display, a slideshow of a number counting up may be a little dull, but it can
work well for other segmented displays.
Obviously this tutorial is necessarily limited in scope, but hopefully it covers the basic procedures to get you up-and-
running with your display. The slideshow mode is most satisfying to generate, allowing you to prototype your product
very quickly.
We’ll be very happy to receive feedback on the software and this document, with bugs, request for features,
appreciations and criticisms, all most welcome. See the contact details in section 1.2.