di-GPS is a registered trademark or a trademark of Dawn Technology Limited
Nikon D2HS, D2X, D2XS, D200, D3, D3S, D3X, D300, D300S, D700, D90, D3100, D5000 and D7000 are registered trademark or a
trademark of NIKON CORPORATION in the United States and/or other countries.
Fujifilm and S5 Pro are registered trademark or a trademark of FUJIFILM U.S.A., Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Power Mode Switch
Power Mode
di-GPS® continuously searches/locks to the satellites. It
sends current GPS location to the camera when locked to
satellites. If no fix available, it sends the last GPS position
data in the memory to the camera until the new fix
When metering system active:
di-GPS® turns on automatically and starts to search
satellites. It immediately sends the last fix in the memory
to camera. It sends the current GPS position to camera
once new fix available.
When metering system inactive:
di-GPS® turns off automatically.
di-GPS® in off state.
Status LED indicator
for di-GPS® Mini 3-MTK series GPS receiver
or not fix
When the camera establishes communication with di-GPS® , a
icon will be
displayed in the LCD panel of the camera.
Status LED
GPS icon
Flashing Icon
No fix, Signal searching
Internal memory empty or Invalid date/time.
No GPS data will be recorded in the photos.
Icon Steady
No fix, Signal searching
di-GPS® continuously sends the last fix in the
memory with current UTC date/time to the
camera until new fix available.
The last fixed GPS position will be recorded to
the photos.
Steady On
Icon Steady
Fix available
di-GPS® continuously sends the current GPS
position to the camera.
LED on di-GPS® Mini 3-MTK series GPS receiver only represents the status of
di-GPS® Mini 3-MTK series GPS receiver, but not the reception of GPS data to
the DSLR camera.