Enabling Independence through Technology
Electronic Multipoint Lock Operation
If you have an electric multipoint lock system installed
this will be operated automatically by the door operator
(providing it has not be manually locked using the key).
If you need to manually open the door from the inside,
push the handle down and pull/push the door open.
To manually open the door from the outside you will
need the key for the door. Turn the key ¼ of a turn in
the direction required to unlock the door, (you will notice that the key will go slightly
stiff to turn) turn the key another ¼ turn in the same direction to release the lock
system. You can now pull/push the door open.
When the door closes it will automatically lock!
Should you experience any issues or have any questions please contact
DH2 Solutions Ltd
Unit 25G2, Springfield Commercial Centre, Bagley Lane, Leeds, LS28 5LY
Telephone: 0113 2564572
Web: DH2Solutions.co.uk