Bird Bath Method, installing by sections
(Using 2-3 People)
Assemble mount and put mount in birdbath position (See picture C below).
Step 1:
Take the first panel and install the ½” x 3” bolt from the antenna to the mount finger tight (see FIG. #9
for washer and rubber placement). Be sure to find the pilot hole on the mount and on the antenna.
Step 2:
Pick up the second antenna panel and be sure the numbers line up and bolt in place just like the first
panel (see FIG. #10). Once secure you can begin bolting the two units together by placing the ¼” x ¾” bolts
through the templates. Again only finger tight. Continue for the next 2 panels. To allow for greater ease in
aligning the templates we recommend that you use an alignment punch tool (see FIG. #11).
Step 3:
You will notice all 8 bolts in the face of the antenna have been installed from the antenna to the ring at
this point. You now remove every other bolt from the face of the antenna and replace them with a feed strut.
Use this sequence: bolt, metal washer, feed strut, rubber washer. On the backside of the dish, insert a rubber
washer between the dish and the ring block, followed by a lock washer and a nut.
Please do not tighten nuts at
this time.
Step 4:
Next install the feed collar (C14F collar) into the feed struts. Secure with 8- ¼” x 1 ½” bolts and ¼”
lock washers and nuts. (see FIG. #12). Your next step is to tighten the 8 bolts that secure the dish to the ring.
This is also addressed in Preparing the Feed Assembly on page 10.
FIG. #10
Match 2 with 2
FIG. #9
FIG. #12
FIG. #11
¼” Lock Washers & Nuts
1/2” x 3” Bolt
½” x 3” Bolt
½” Steel Washer
½” Rubber Washer
Antenna Surface
½” Rubber Washer
½” Lock Washer
½” Nut