9. Show your games locally
If you want to show one or multiple games on a
local screen without using an internet connection
this functionality can be used.
To show the games on extra screens the set-up as
shown in Figure 3 is required.
When your Serial e-Board is connected to a PC, the
board can be monitored using DGT LiveChess. In
LiveChess a tournament can be set up and boards
can be linked to player pairings. LiveChess will also
provide arbiter assistance by giving notifications
for events that may need arbiter action.
To view the matches on separate screens, go to
the tournament tab at the left side of your screen
and click the hyperlink. A live viewer will be
opened in your browser. Use this viewer to show
the matches on additional screens.
It is also possible to access this link on other
computers, provided they are connected in a local
network. To access the live viewer on another
system enter the IP address of the PC in an
internet browser, followed by
For example
it would be written as:
For a detailed description on how to set this up,
please see the DGT LiveChess manual.
The games can also be broadcasted and viewed
using the LiveChess Cloud. For more details on
this option please see section 10 of this manual.
Figure 3. Local broadcast set-up.
Personal Computer
DGT Serial e-Board
DGT Chess Clock
Connection box
Board to bus cable
Additional screens
Power source
USB to serial