Chapter 2
About the SolarREM
The SolarREM is a solar powered remediation unit capable of either free product recovery system (SolarNAPL,
SolarPURGE, SolarSKIM), fl uid injection (SolarDRIP) or pressurized air (SolarVent, SolarSPARGE). The unit is
capable of running up to 2 days without sunlight. By relying on solar power, SolarNAPL can be installed in any
location where a power supply necessary to run traditional pumping systems is not economically available.
SolarNAPL is a self-contained remediation system consisting of a solar panel, battery, air compressor and pump
and associated wiring and controls. The solar panel charges the battery, which serves as the power supply for the
air compressor and the system controls.
When activated, the compressed air is discharged to the pneumatic pump, forcing the product up the pump dis-
charge hose and into a holding tank. The operating characteristics and performance of the SolarNAPL is deter-
mined in part by the specifi cations of the solar panel, battery and pump. Operating parameters such as the reset
time (no air to pumps) is adjusted with the electronic timer.
To operate correctly and effi ciently, air must be pumped into the pneumatic pump at a pressure suffi cient to dis-
place the water column and overcome frictional losses in the system. The injected air displaces the product col-
lected in the pump and discharges it to the collection system. This air and product cycling continues in the pump
while the air is available.
Technical Description - Overview
The power supply for SolarNAPL consists of a photo-voltaic array and battery. The photovoltaic cells use sunlight
to charge the battery. The battery in turn powers the system controls and, the air compressor pump. The pump
fi lls an air receiver tank that provides the pressure and volume of air required to displace the product in the pneu-
matic pump.
A voltage regulator is used to prevent the battery from overcharging. The voltage regulator also prevents draining
of the battery when there is not enough sunlight (e.g., at night) to sustain fl ow of electricity from the solar panel to
the battery.
The SolarNAPL is operated by an adjustable (air-off) timer. After an on-site pilot test to determine optimum operat-
ing conditions including injection pressure and air fl ow rate, the air-off time is optimized.
When the system is activated, the compressor pump pressurizes the air receiver tank. When the pressure inside
the tank drops below the lower set value, the pump turns on to re-pressurize the tank until the air pressure reach-
es the high set value. When the pump starts running, the air supply to the pump(s) are shut off for the amount of
time the operator has set on the adjustable electronic timer (up to 60 min).