Flight manual DG-800B
Caution: To prevent unintentional spinning do not stall the sailplane. Fly
with enough speed reserve especially in gusty conditions and in the
landing pattern.
Intended spins with waterballast are not permitted.
Height loss during recovery
up to
max. speed during recovery
Spiral dive recovery
Apply rudder and aileron in opposite direction and carefully pull out of
the dive.
Spiral dive occurs only when spinning more than 3 turns with medium
C.G. positions, see sect. 4.5.12.
To prevent spiral dives intentional spinning should only be executed at aft
C.G. positions.
Recovery from unintentional spinning should be done immediately.
Recovery from unintentional cloud flying
Spins are not to be used to loose altitude. In an emergency, pull out the
dive brakes fully before exceeding a speed of 200 km/h and fly with max.
200 km/h (108 kts.) until leaving the cloud.
At higher speeds up to VNE, pull out the dive brakes very carefully
because of high aerodynamic and g-loads.
Engine failure
3.8.1 Power loss during take off
Push the control stick forwards immediately, watch the airspeed indicator!
Sufficient runway
- land normally straight ahead with engine extended
- flaps L
- airbrakes as desired
Insufficient runway
- decision based on position, terrain and height
- close fuel cock, switch off ignition and main switch
- engine extended reduces L/D to 15!
Issued: November 1997
App. 3.3
Flight manual DG-800B
3.8.2 Power loss during flight
Push the control stick forward immediately, watch the airspeed indicator!
- fuel cock position?
- fuel quantity?
If no change, retract the engine or land with extended engine.
3.9.1 In engine during take off on the ground
- close fuel cock and switch off main switch.
- keep engine extended
- use extinguisher, cloth or suitable external means
3.9.2 In engine during starting in flight
- close fuel cock and switch off main switch
- open throttle fully
- keep the engine extended
- land as soon as possible
extinguish fire
3.9.3 In the fuselage Front fuselage (electrical fire)
- main switch off
- close ventilation, open side window
- land as soon as possible if the fire is not extinguished (circuits are
effectively protected by circuit breakers) Rear fuselage (engine)
- the red fire warning light will indicate a fire (temperature above 140°C,
- close fuel cock
- switch off main switch
- open throttle fully if engine is still running until the engine stops
- retract the engine to smother the fire
- if smoke prevents flying open ventilation
- land as soon as possible
- extinguish fire
Issued: November 1997
App. 3.4