The analog sensor port pin mapping on RoMeo v2 is
different from the version before. Be careful to wire your
sensor or other devices correctly or the wrong power
connection would destroy your device.
Please Turn OFF the Motor Power Switch when debugging
Romeo through USB cable. Or the external power
supply(>12V) will destroy your Romeo.
DFRduino RoMeo V2 (R3)
Romeo V2All in one Controller (R3) (SKU:DFR0225)
1 Introduction
2 Specification
3 RoMeo V2 Pinout
3.1 Power solution design
3.2 Example use of Button S1S5
3.3 Pin Allocation
3.4 PWM Control Mode
3.5 PLL Control Mode
RoMeo V2[R3]is an AllinOne Arduino compatible microcontroller especially designed for robotics applications
from DFRobot. The Romeo benefits from the Arduino open source platform, it is supported by thousands of open
source codes, and can easily be expanded with Arduino Shields. The integrated 2 way DC motor driver and
Xbee socket allows you to start your project immediatly without the need for an additional motor driver or wirless
Please select Leonardo board when uploading a sketch by Arduino IDE.
Serial port 0 or 1 Read more from Arduino.cc (https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Serial): Please
use Serial1.***() instead of Serial.***() in code to communicate with devices connected to serial
interface, i.e. Pin 0/1. e.g. Bluetooth, WiFi module, Xbee etc. Serial.***() is for USB debugging on pc
serial monitor.
Analog 0: If you are going to use the Analog port 0, you have to pay attention to the switch(s1s5),
turn it OFF please. There are five buttons connected to A0, if you turn ON the button switch,then the
A0 read value would be not the one you want.
Improvement compared with Romeo v1.1