Willamette AWWA Metal Seated Ball Valve
January 2022
Page 13
If a hydraulic cylinder is provided, Table C shows the recommended hydraulic fluids.
Table C: Hydraulic Fluids
Hydraulic Fluid
Atlantic-Richfied Co.
Duro AWS-150
Tellus #32
Standard of California
Chevron EP-9
Rando HD-A
DTE 24
Hyspin AW32
Power Supply for Operating Valves
It is essential that a continuous and reliable source of power (whether it be liquid, gas or electrical) be provided
for operating the valve. The line which conveys the power to the controls must be of ample size so that
sufficient pressure and volume can be delivered directly to the power port of the controls. The differential
pressure between the top and bottom of the piston in the actuating cylinder causes the piston rod to move. It is
essential that both the power and exhaust line be of ample size to provide adequate speed.
The power source must be suitable for cylinder use. Use of a filter or strainer where needed is recommended.
In the case of air, a continuous and reliable source of filtered air is required to operate the cylinder. The air
should be clean and reasonably dry (free from moisture). A lubricator may be used, if desired for maximum
cylinder life. Locate the lubricator as close to the control supply port as practical. Avoid excessive oil flow
settings which flood the components with oil. Reduce settings if oil coalesces (form pools in the bottom of the
lines) or drips from the exhaust port. Carefully evaluate the need for lubrication prior to installing a lubricator.
Most valve installations do not require an exceptional number of cylinder cycles and the factory pre-lubrication
will provide years of service without a lubricator.
Many valve positioners, transducers, and other special controls require that
instrument quality, dry, oil free air is used. Check all special controls for compatibility
with lubricated air prior to its use.