In countries that have not been included above,
further specific regulations may apply
DE: Germany
NL: The Netherlands
In these countries, the use of frequencies 614.20 MHz to 671.95 MHz is permitted, licence free.
However, the use of frequencies 612.20 MHz to 613.95 MHz is not permitted.
MT: Malta
In this country, no licence is required to use frequencies 614.20 MHz to 631.95 MHz, 654.20 MHz to 662.95
MHz, and 670.20 MHz to 671.95 MHz.
However, the use of frequencies 612.20 MHz to 613.95 MHz, 652.20 MHz to 653,95 MHz, and 663.20 MHz
to 669.95 MHz is not permitted.
DK: Denmark
License-free use is permitted in this country in so-called ‘white space’. Always check with local authorities if
the location where you intend to use this system is considered a ‘white space’.
In this country, any professional users do not require a licence.
The overview included above has been compiled according to information that was correct at the time of
writing. Due to continuous changes, due in part to regulatory reforms regarding wireless frequencies and
which are regulated per country, the information may be out of date at the time of reading. Therefore, always
check the actual regulations with your local government or authority.
The information included in this user manual is subject to change at any time and without notification:
Version: 1.0
Date and author initials: 19-09-2020 RV
Revision date and author initials: -