Thank you for purchasing a Devine D-series power amplifier. These versatile, compact, reliable power
amplifiers feature modern technologies, which makes them small in size but powerful in output.
The Devine D-series feature special electronic circuitry which ensures that incoming signals are amplified
perfectly with optimal efficiency. The class D design and power supply require less power to ensure the same
power output level as compared to normal class A/B power amplifiers.
Devine's D-series amplifiers feature a metal housing and a clean front panel combined with ventilation slots
to ensure proper cooling. Fan-cooling ensures that the components do not overheat when they are working
at full capacity.
The D-series amplifiers are equipped with various protective circuits like clip LED indicators and protection
against short circuits and overheating.
The D-series power amplifiers are small in size and depth so they can be installed in a 19-inch effects rack or
flight case instead of bulky, deeper racks. Thanks to the class D circuitry, the D-series amplifiers are very
lightweight, making a complete rack of D-series easy to carry and transport.
The D-series works perfectly with most passive loudspeakers. Please keep in mind that a power amplifier
should be capable of delivering almost 2x the required maximum load of your speakers. This ensures proper
headroom, making it impossible for the amplifier to work at full capacity should your speakers reach their limit
first. Comply with this guideline to avoid causing permanent damage by overpowering your speakers.
A power amplifier which cannot deliver the maximum power capacity of your speakers is more likely to clip or
distort. Clipping takes place when the input of the power amplifier and the gain settings are turned up to the
maximum level, which causes the internal electronics to exceed their limit. As a result, they will distort when
driven with a volume increase. This may cause permanent damage to your power amplifier as well as your
Devine strongly recommends adhering to the advice in this manual to ensure that your complete speaker
system (power amplifier and speakers) is capable of delivering optimal sound quality and sound pressure
level, thus preventing permanent damage. Clipping and distortion prevention will be explained in more detail
later on in the
Using the amplifier
section of this user manual.
Any information and illustrations shown in this user manual are subject to change without further notice.
User manual version: 4.0
Creation date + author initials: 11-12-2015 RV Revision date + author initials: 10-12-2015 RV