page 2 sB-19-087-n
this manual contains important information that all users should know and understand before using the equipment.
this information relates to useR saFetY and pReVentInG eQuIpMent pROBleMs. to help you recognize this information,
we use the following terms to draw your attention to certain equipment labels and portions of this service Bulletin. please pay
special attention to any label or information that is highlighted by one of these terms:
solvents and coatings can be
1. adequate exhaust must be provided
highly flammable or combustible,
to keep the air free of accumulations
especially when sprayed.
of flammable vapors.
2. smoking must never be allowed in
the spray area.
3. Fire extinguishing equipment must
be present in the spray area.
Explosion Hazard
Making changes to pressure
1. never drill, into, weld, or modify tank
Tank Rupture
tank will weaken it.
in any way. carefully follow all instructions
for motor drive installation.
2. Do not adjust, remove, or tamper with
the safety valve. If replacement is necessary,
use the same type and rating of valve.
Explosion Hazard
Halogenated hydrocarbon solvents -
aluminum is widely used in spray application
- trichloroethane are not chemically
equipment - such as material pumps, cups, regulators,
compatible with the aluminum that
valves, etc. check all equipment items before use
might be used in many system
and make sure they can be used safely with these
components. the chemical reaction
solvents. Read the label or data sheet for the material
caused by these solvents reacting with you intend to spray. If in doubt as to whether or not
aluminum can become violent and lead a coating or cleaning material is compatible, contact
to an equipment explosion.
your material supplier. any other type of solvent may
be issued with aluminum equipment.
Important information to alert you to a situation that might
cause serious injury if instructions are not followed.
The following hazards may occur during the normal use of
this equipment. Please read the following chart.
Information that you should pay
special attention to.
Important information that tells how to prevent
damage to equipment, or how to avoid a situa-
tion that might cause minor injury.
WaRnInG: this product contains chemicals known to the state of
california to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.