Water connection
A fresh mains cold water service should be used to supply the unit.
The water supply must also satisfy the following requirements :
Water quality: 30 to 1000 µ/cm (30 to 1000 ppm)
• Water Pressure: 1-6 bar (15 to 90 psi)
• Water Temp: less than 40°C (100 Deg. F.)
The water supply connection is on bottom of the unit. All the ELMC
are delivered with a water inlet hose (500mm long) with a female 3/4”
connection to the cold water supply
A check valve should be located on the mains and cold water
service connection to the unit.
The inlet valve base has a basket filter (s.a. page n°44 part
3). Check periodically for debris.
The ELMC steam generator uses water to produce steam so
leakage may happen causing potential damage. If an installation
in false ceiling or above prime rooms such as museum,
exhibition or laboratory rooms is considered, ensure that the
floor below the humidifier is constructed from waterproof
materials (with draining facilities) to withstand any water spilling
during servicing or if a problem occurs.
The ELMC steam generator can run with 3 different water qualities :
The water TH should be
between 0 and 40° French grade
for a
between 1000 and 350 µ/s.
For the maintenance frequency of the cylinder see the maintenance
curve. The ELMC incorporates a time counter (hours, steam KG... and
shows maintenance messages when appropriate.
The ElectroVap MC humidifier may be used with softened water :
0°<TH< 2°.
IMPORTANT: Softeners must be programmed correctly. Failure to
programme the softener correctly may lead to excessive salt
concentration in the steam cylinder. For assistance contact the
Softener Manufacturer. The use of duplex softeners is recommended.
Reverse Osmosis and Demineralised
The ElectroVap MC steam generator may be used with Reverse
Osmosis or Demineralised water. The minimum water quality is 30
µ/s. On start-up with new steam cylinder a tea spoon of bicarbonate of
soda must be added.
The water supply must be made without any additional chemicals
(chlorine, disinfectant, ozone). Also some water qualities may
generate foam causing disturbances with the correct control of
the humidifier. Please refer to Devatec technical services for
further assistance.
For sanitation purposes, the steam cylinder is automatically drained
out in case the humidifier is not operated after a period of 72 hours.
This factory pre-set value can be modified (s.a. page 40).
The water level must be between (a)
and (b) for the maximum cylinder
D.I. water
Flexible hose supplied