User Manual v1.02
MS Sets the MQTT broker address
MS “”
OK. Saved MQTT Server:
MD Sets the MQTT ID for this module
MS “UniqueModuleName”
OK. Saved MQTT ID: UniqueModuleName
MP Sets the MQTT broker’s port.
Normally, this should be set to 1883.
mp 1883
OK. Saved MQTT port number: 1883
If you are not using MQTT, set the port to 0. This will turn off MQTT, otherwise it will continuously
try to connect if there is no MQTT broker.
Sets the MQTT topic this relay is subscribed to.
R2 "Workshop/Heater"
OK. Saved Relay 2 Topic: Workshop/Heater
In use, the payload for relay topics should be a string with the first character set to ‘0’ or ‘1’
(ASCII characters 0x30/0x31).
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