Date: August 11
, 2010
INFORMATION Drawing No: 0425-077-0000
Revision Letter: NC
Compagnie Deutsch GmbH
Fraunhoferstr. 11 b
D-82152 Martinsried
Page 2 of 4
Wire preparation
Prior to c rim pi ng c ontac ts, ins ul ation mus t be s tripped to a leng th o f 5.08 ± 0.64mm. Wire s ho uld hav e
no i ns ulatio n te ari ng or s tretc hing a nd no c on duc tor s trand s missing or dam age d.
Hazard Warning
Contacts may have Sharp Edges. Use Finger Protection To Avoid Cuts. Do Not Place Fingers
In Tool Areas Which May Pinch During Crimp Cycle. Use Safety Glasses To Avoid Eye Injury.
Hand-Crimp Cycle
(1) Close h and les to r elease ratc het pawl (s pring op ens handles).
(2) Press the co ntac t lo ck in g pa wl to expose the l ocator cavities .
(3) Plac e the contac t into the c av it y i ndicated b y Table 1.
(4) Rel eas e c ontac t pa wl an d ch eck alignme nt with c rimp too l path.
(5) Ins er t the p repa red wire u p to th e wi re s to p edg e of l ocki ng pawl .
(6) Squee ze handles until ra tc he t r elea ses (n ot co mpletel y c los ed) .
(7) Ful l y o pen tool, pres s c on ta ct lockin g pa wl, remove c rimpe d c ontac t.
Hand Force Adjustment
Crimpi ng Force of DTT-1 6-0 3 is fac tor y s et. Hand force idle trave l is
130 N – 1 80 N
. The tool a nd di e
set are de signe d to prov id e optimum crimping wi thin this range. Ho we ver, i f the setting is no t id eal for
the c ontact spec ific ation , the tool ca n se t as des crib ed be lo w:
(1) L oosen the h eadless s cre w with a fl at-bla de s crewdri ve r and set as ide .
(2) Tur n the adj us tmen t whe el c ounter a nticloc k wis e (+) to increa se th e
cri mp ing for ce . (T his al so r educe s the ja w s pre ad).
(3) Tur n the adj ustmen t whe el cloc k wise (-) to red uce th e stre ngth of the
cri mp ing for ce . (T his al so i ncrease s the ja w s pre ad) Don ’t e xcee d 180 N!
(4) After s etting , re pla ce the h eadless s c re w and adeq uatel y tighten .
Thes e too ls are s ubject to thoro ugh qu alit y c ontrol mea sures befor e leav in g the fac tor y. T he ge ner al
terms and c onditions of warr ant y a re av ailabl e fr om Comp agni e Deutsch Gmb H.
Maintenance and Inspection
Main te nan ce a nd ins pectio n s houl d be per formed after about 5,000 cri mps (or ev er y 6 m onths).
Be fore us in g th e cr imping tool mak e sure that it is i n a clean and pro per op eratin g state. Remove an y
crimpi ng resi due. Appl y l ight machine oil to pro te ct joi nts. Check bolts to e ns ure that the lo ck was hers
ar e secure an d intac t. All o th er main te nanc e s hou ld be performed b y the man ufac turer. T here are no
us er-serv ic ea ble c ompo nents inside the h and too l. Disass embl y of th e crimp to ol shall vo id warr ant y.