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© 2001 Detection Systems, Inc.
SEFD1 User Guide
How to Wear the SEFD1
The Fall Detection pendant automatically senses the conditions of a fall and sends an
emergency alert when a fall occurs. To send an alarm that you have fallen, you must
wear the pendant on your torso in an upright position.
Do not wear the pendant on your arm or leg as the device may produce a false alarm or
fail to alarm upon a real fall. Wearing the pendant in an incorrect position may cause it to
not function properly.
Suggested locations for wearing the SEFD1:
On Your Waist:
The SEFD1 can be attached to a belt or the waistband of your
pants. A belt clip is provided, designed to easily attach to a belt.
To attach the pendant to a belt, pull the clip away from the device and slip it over the
belt, or turn the device sideways and rotate it to slide it onto the belt (see below).
In a Shirt Pocket:
The SEFD1 may be clipped to a shirt pocket. This option works
best when the device rests on the inside of the pocket with the button facing your