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Check that IP address, subnet mask and port number of the controller/hub are compatible.
Click this icon to write the new parameters into the tool.
Via Easy Pairing
When the pairing is done to CONNECT via RFID, WI-FI settings are directly written to the tool.
Network settings must have been done previously by using CVI CONFIG.
How to set up Psets and Assembly Processes
On delivery, the tool has no tightening process.
Launch CVI CONFIG software to create Psets and Assembly Processes and transfer the configuration to the tool.
A simple Pset can also be created from the display of the system the tool is connected to.
Refer to the user manual of
available at
P0 is displayed on the tool screen and the tool is locked.
is shown by this icon.
A Pset is a tightening operation combining one or several steps, each step describing a function.
The tool will execute the steps one after the other in the given order.
Content of the steps and the order can be changed at any time.
The minimum to run the tool is 1 Pset containing 1 step.
An Assembly Process is commonly called
and is shown by this icon.
The Assembly Process available in products and systems consists in executing a Pset a certain number of times or
unlimited. This feature is named
Create as many Psets / Assembly Processes as you want.
For each of them, enter a description which will be displayed on the tool screen.
Transfer the configuration to the tool.
If the transfer fails, unplug and plug the battery pack. Re-start the transfer.
Operating Instructions
How to use the tool
How to select the Pset to run
Go to CVI CONFIG and check that "Default Pset selection source" in the configuration of the Tightening Unit is set
to "Tool display".
From the tool main screen, press the right button briefly. The current Pset is displayed.
Press OK. The Pset number turns orange.
Use the left or right button to scroll through the list.
Press OK to select the displayed Pset. The Pset is now in blue.
Once the Pset is selected and the tool is ready, the Pset number turns green.
Press the trigger to start the process.
When out of tolerances, a sound can be heard (if configured).
See below some examples of the Pset status on the tool display.