For more information, visit www.desatech.com
Models V50s, V50sH and VFB50nC
Vent-Free FireBoxes
UnVented (Vent-Free) UniVersal FireBox
oWner’s oPeration and installation ManUal
WARNING: If the information in this manual is not
followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing
property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
FoR use oNly WIth A lIsted GAs-FIRed uNveNted
decoRAtIve Room heAteR Not to exceed 40,000
Btu/Hr. Do not BuilD a wooD fire.
Carefully review the instructions supplied with the
decorative type unvented room heater for the minimum
fireplace size requirement.
do Not INstAll AN ApplIANce IN thIs FIRebox
uNless thIs FIRebox meets the mINImum dImeN-
sions requireD for tHe installation.
this firebox has been tested and approved under ansi
Z21.91 for use with any ansi Z21.11.2 approved gas logs.
installer: leave this manual with the appliance.
ConsuMer: retain this manual for future reference.