Automatic Control
Valve Button
Figure 5 - Automatic Control Valve
Button and Piezo Ignitor
5. Open propane supply valve on propane
tank(s) slowly.
Note: If not opened slowly,
excess-flow check valve on propane tank
will stop gas flow. You may hear a click
from the excess-flow check valve closing.
If this happens, reset the excess-flow
check valve by closing propane supply
valve and open again slowly.
WARNING: Be sure motor
and fan are running before
pushing in automatic control
valve button. Flames could flash
outside heater if motor and fan
are not running.
6. Push in and hold automatic control valve
button (see Figure 5). Push piezo ignitor
button (see Figure 5). Keep pushing ig-
nitor button until the burner lights. When
burner lights, keep automatic control valve
button pushed in. Release button after
30 seconds. This activates the automatic
control system.
Note: If heater fails to ignite, hose may
have air in it. If so, keep automatic control
valve button pressed and wait 20 sec
onds. Release automatic control valve
button and wait 20 seconds for unburned
fuel to exit heater. Repeat this step.
NOTICE: If heater is unplugged or
power outage occurs while heater
is running, the thermal limit device
will stop fuel flow. A few seconds
occur before the thermal limit de-
vice activates. During this short
time, flames may appear outside
the heater. This is normal. The
flames will go out when thermal
limit device activates.
1. Tightly close propane supply valve on
propane tank(s).
2. Wait a few seconds. Heater will burn gas
left in supply hose.
3. Unplug heater.
1. Wait five minutes after stopping heater.
2. Repeat steps under
To Start Heater
page 5.
CAUTION: Disconnect heater
from propane supply tank(s).
1. Store propane tank(s) in safe manner. See
Chapter 5 of
Standard for Storage and
Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases,
Follow all local codes.
Always store propane tanks outdoors.
2. Place plastic cover caps over brass fittings
on inlet connector and hose/regulator as-
3. Store in dry, clean and safe place. Do
not store hose/regulator assembly inside
heater combustion chamber.
4. When taking heater out of storage, always
check inside of heater. Insects and small
animals may place foreign objects in
heater. Remove motor and other internal
parts if needed to remove foreign objects
Service Procedures,
page 7).
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