Handling precaut ions
Ho ld the disc by the e dges s o the surfac e will n ot be s oiled with fin gerpr ints. F ingerp rints,
dir t and s cratch es ca n caus e skipping an d dist ortion.
Do not w rite on the la bel sid e with a ball- point p en or other w riting utens ils.
Do not us e reco rd cle aning sprays , benz ine, th inner, static electricity preventi on liqu ids.
Be careful not t o drop or ben d the disc.
Do not in stall m ore th an 1 d isc on the dis c com partment.
Do not try to clo se the disc c over w hen th e disc is not instal led pro perly.
Be sure t o store the d isc in i ts exc lusive case w hen n ot in use.
DISC hand ling and ma intenance
Tr oubleshoot ing (Continued)
Press STANDBY to set the player t o the standby mode and t hen
back to ON. Alternatively, press STANDBY to se t the player to the
standby m ode, discon nect the power adaptor a nd then
reconnect it. (The player may not b e operating p roperly due to
lightning, static electricity or some other extern al factor.)
No key oper ation (by the main
unit and/or t he remote co ntrol
unit) is effective.
Sympt om [D VD]
Reme dy
Play does n ot start even
when title is selected.
Confirm th e right region code settin g.
If the aud io soundtrack and/or subt itle language does not exist
on the disc, the langua ge selected at the initial settings will
not be see n/heard.
Audio soun dtrack and/o r subtitle
language is not the initial settings.
No subtitles.
Sub titles appear only with dis cs which con tain them.
Sub titles are clea red from the TV monitor, Perform the steps
disp lay the subtit les.
Angle cann ot be change d.
This funct ion is depen dent on softw are availability. Even if a
disc has a number of a ngles recorded, these an gles may be
recorded for specific scenes only.
The passw ord for rating level
has been fo rgotten.
Please co ntact your lo cal sales dea ler.
Alternative audio sound track
(or subtitle) languages f ail to be
An alternat ive langu age is not selected with discs which d o
no t contain more tha n one lan guage.
In the case of some d iscs, the alternative langua ge canno t
be selected by opera ting the AUDIO or SUBTITL E button.
Tr y selectin g it from the DVD menu if on e is avai lable.
Sympt om [V ideo C D]
This funct ion works only for Video C Ds with playback control.
No menu pla y.
No operatio ns can be pe rformed
with the rem ote control u nit.
Che ck the batt eries are in stalled with the correct polaand -)
The batteries a re exhausted: replace them with new ones.
Point remote control at th e remote control sensor and operate.
Ope rate the re mote contr ol unit at a distance of not
more than 6 m from the re mote control sensor.
Rem ove the obstacles be tween the remote con trol and
rem ote control sensor.
Sympt om(C ommo n)
prod uct to a serv ice ce nter fo r inspe ction and re pair.
This set e mploy s an o ptical laser b eam s ystem in the CD m echani sm de signed
wit h built -in saf eguard s. Do not attempt to disa ssemb le. Ex posure to thi s invis ible
las er ligh t beam may b e harm ful to the hu man e ye. Th is is a Class -1 lase r prod uct
Us e of co ntrols, adjus tments or pro cedures oth er tha n those spec ified h erein m ay
res ult in h azard ous la ser lig ht bea m exp osure. This c ompac t disc player shoul d
not be ad justed or rep aired by any one ex cept q ualifie d serv ice pe rsonne l. The
las er mec hanis m in th e set c orres ponds to the stylus (needl e) of a record play er.
Alt hough this pr oduct uses a laser pick-u p lens , it is c omple tely sa fe whe n
ope rated accor ding to directions.
The manu factur er is n ot resp onsib le for a ny rad io or T V inte rferen ce cau sed by
unau thoriz ed mo dificat ions. S uch m odifications could void th e use r's auth ority t o oper ate the
equi pment .
1) O perate turning con trols a nd swi tches as ins tructed in the manu al.
2) Before turning on the pow er for the first time,make s ure th at the power cord i s prop erly
in stalled .
3) Store your CD s in a cool area to a void d amag e from heat.
Battery Handling and Usage
1) Follow the battery manuf acture r's saf ety an d usag e instr uction s.
2) Keep b atteri es awa y from children an d pets.
3) Never throw batteries into a fire . Do n ot expose ba tteries to fire or oth er hea t sour ces.
4) Battery Disp osal: Spent o r disc harged batte ries m ust be prope rly dis posed of and recyc led
in compliance w ith all applic able laws.
Fo r detailed inf ormation, co ntact y our lo cal solid was te aut hority.