How many times of jump starting can I get
from the device before recharging?
A large number of factors influence the answer, including the
following: the period for every jump starter, the charge level of the
original battery, time allotment between jump starts, vehicle
temperature being kicked off, the size of the motor, the mechanical
condition of the engine and starter and more. These variables should
all be weighed on an individual premise before an accurate answer
can give.
How do I turn off the jump starter?
The jump starter will power off automatically when not in use.
After starting, can I leave the until hooked to the
battery to recharge the jump starter while the
engine is running?
No. Attempting to recharge the jump starter by this method
is not allowed. Vehicle alternators output will be from
25-125 amps. This charging rate greatly exceeds the
recommended recharging rate for the device. Charging by
this way will cause in overcharging the jump starter battery
and may void the product warranty.